Bruce Hornsby Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA 2000-November-04

Set 1
1. Piano Introduction
2. Country Doctor
3. When In Rome
4. The Great Divide
5. On The Western Skyline > Don’t Do It
6. I Will Walk With You > 
7. Fields Of Gray > That’s Where It’s At
8. Pastures Of Plenty
9. The End Of The Innocence
10. Spider Fingers

Set 2
1. Song C
2. Big Rumble
3. Look Out Any Window
4. Backhand
5. The Tide Will Rise
6. Tango King
7. Talk Of The Town
8. The Way It Is
9. Sunflower Cat > It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry

10. The Valley Road
11. Mandolin Rain


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Author: Jason