01. Introduction
02. Maria’s Awful Disclosure
03. The Living Bubba
04. Three Dimes Down>
05. Ronnie and Neil
06. 72 (This Highway’s Mean)
07. The New OK
08. Surrender Under Protest>
09. Welcome 2 club XIII
10. Self Destructive Zones>
11. Play It All Night Long
12. Women Without Whiskey
13. The Driver
14. Every Single Storied Flameout>
15. Lookout Mountain
16. Gravity’s Gone
17. Sinkhole
18. Uncle Frank
19. 18 Wheels of Love
20. Where the Devil Don’t Stay
21. Tornadoes
22. Marry Me>
23. Hell No I Ain’t Happy>Sign of the Times>Hell No I Ain’t Happy
24. Zip City
25. Grand Canyon
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