Bela Fleck Freight and Salvage, Berkeley, CA 2022-October-03

Set 1:
00 Freight intro, Mark sets up, jokes
01 Blue Mountain Hop
02 Hug Point
03 talk
04 Vertigo
05 talk, band intros
06 Bound To Ride
07 talk, tuning
08 Round Rock
09 Our Little Secret
10 Bryan talks
11 Polka On a Banjo
12 talk, tuning
13 Boulderdash
14 talk
15 Charm School
16 outro

Set 2:
00 band enters
01 Strider
02 Big Country > Down In the Swamp
03 talk
04 Overgrown Waltz
05 Bryan talks
06 Time Has Come
07 Bryan talks
08 Hunter’s Moon
09 talk
10 Hunky Dory
11 talk, false start
12 Slippery Eel
13 Baptist Pumpkin Farm
14 talk, band intros
15 Old Home > Whitewater
16 applause before encore, talk

17 Stomping Grounds > Dear Old Dixie
18 outro




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Author: Jason