Bruce Cockburn Lebanon Opera House, Lebanon, NH 1996-04-26

Set one:
01. -talk-
02. Tokyo
03. Lovers in a Dangerous Times
04. -talk, tuning-
05. Lord of the Starfields
06. -talk-
07. Nicaragua
08. -talk-
09. The Coming Rains
10. -tuning-
11. Child of the Wind
12. Mighty Trucks of Midnight
13. -talk-
14. Birmingham Shadows
15. -talk-
16. A Dream Like Mine

Set 2:
17. -talk-
18. Wondering Where the Lions Are
19. -talk-
20. Mistress of Storms
21. Listen to the Laugh
22. Waiting for the Moon
23. -talk-
24. The Mines of Mozambique
25. Wise Users
26. -talk-
27. If a Tree Falls
28. -talk-
29. The Charity of Night
30. Joy Will Find a Way
31. -talk-
32. Burden of the Angel/Beast
33. All the Diamonds in the World
34. -tuning-
35. Planet of the Clowns



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Author: Jason