01. -talk-
02. Trouble in the Fields
03. -talk
04. Listen to the Radio
05. -talk-
06. Deadwood, South Dakota
07. -talk-
08. Tecumseh Valley
09. -talk-
10. Outbound Plane
11. -talk-
12. Always Will
13. -talk-
14. Are You Tired of Me Darling
15. -talk-
16. Love at the Five & Dime
17. -talk-
18. One Blade Shy of a Sharp Edge
19. -talk-
20. Across the Great Divide
21. -talk-
22. If Wishes Were Changes
23. -talk-
24. There’s a Light Beyond These Woods (Mary Margaret)
25. -talk-
26. It’s a Hard Life Wherever You Go
27. -encore applause-
28. -talk-
29. Speed of the Sound of Lonliness
30. -talk-
31. Can’t Help But Wonder Where I’m Bound
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